Friday, April 30, 2010

Blogger Friends

WhooHoo! 20 followers tonight! I know it's not a big deal in the blog-o-sphere, but for lil ole me it sure is! I'm pooped tonight :( No creative projects pictured or posted tonight, but some are in the works and soon to come. 

Still have a lot of baby shower items to make, plus a couple orders for girls at church. Tomorrow will be a busy day. That and I'm beat from a rough week at school. 

If you don't know, I teach full time middle school students as my day job. The Woobie Shop is my stress relief. So I don't get to enjoy all the fun of my fun being work, but I do love kids. As the year gets ready for a close, the natives become more restless making the teachers more weary. 

Have no fear my friendly blog followers, crafty projects coming soon!!!!